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Innotas AG
Head office in Switzerland

Hauptstrasse 137, CH-8274 Tägerwilen

Innotas GmbH
Subsidiary in Germany

Fritz-Reichle-Ring 6a, D-78315 Radolfzell


Innotas AG

Innotas AG has specialized in the development of innovative medical technology products in the first aid and consumer sectors. Innotas AG develops products according to the motto “SAVING LIVES”. Our goal is to develop products that have a positive impact and can save lives. Innovation is our drive. As an interdisciplinary team, we implement new developments at our Swiss company location on beautiful Lake Constance.

In addition to our own first aid products, such as LifePad® or PocDoc®, we also develop as a service provider for other companies.

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The inventor of LifePad®

From the beginning, the goal of the LifePad® was to save lives

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Dominic Dussault is a medical technology engineer and founder as well as CEO of Innotas. He is an expert in technical support products for first aid and the inventor of products such as the LifePad® and the PocDoc® system.

His motivation for developing the LifePad® came from the realization that most people are unable to act in first aid situations due to insecurity and lack of knowledge. As a solution to this problem, the idea for the LifePad® emerged during his medical technology studies. The LifePad® is an innovative tool for resuscitation after cardiac arrest that fits into almost any standard first aid kit and provides the first responder with audible and visual step-by-step instructions for resuscitation. These instructions are designed to alleviate the user’s fear of doing something wrong during resuscitation and to save lives.

Dominic Dussault


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Teamwork makes is happen

“Saving Lives” is the motto of Innotas AG. Everyone on our team shares the same passion and commitment for what we do. We know that a product like the LifePad® can play an important role when it comes to saving lives.

Our goal is to support people in emergency situations and provide them with the tools they need to act quickly and effectively.

Innotas products in the media​

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Our products at a glance

Innovation is what drives us!

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LifePad® | resuscitation aid

LifePad® is an innovative product for use in medical emergencies. The LifePad® is a “Help the Helper” product. The LifePad®, created in cooperation with the medical technology company Beurer and the Björn Steiger Foundation, is placed on the chest and helps visually and acoustically to save lives by means of cardiac massage. The LifePad helps to keep a cool head in the exceptional situation of resuscitation. The LifePad® was developed in cooperation with Beurer GmbH and the Björn Steiger Foundation.

PocDoc® | The smart first aid system

The PocDoc® system was designed in such a way that the first responder can be taken by the hand in an emergency and guided to the right treatment by simple questions. Each step is explained individually via the PocDoc® app in short, concise sentences and understandable pictures. In addition, the components required for the respective treatment step are displayed in color in the PocDoc® first aid kit with the corresponding position. This enables a quick location and thus a smooth and stress-free treatment process. The app contains over 300 individual treatment steps, ranging from treating bleeding to taking the right action if breathing stops.

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PocDoc® Pet | For dogs & cats

Our four-legged friends are not immune to injury from a fight, a fall or getting caught in a crevice in the asphalt. But what should I do if my dog ​​or cat needs help and a veterinarian is not directly available? With PocDoc®, Innotas AG has developed the first smart first aid system for dogs and cats. The PocDoc® system consists of a “first aid kit” and an app that interacts with it and is also available offline. If you can’t get any further on your own: Get quick help from animal emergency physicians by phone or video consultation via the PocDoc® app. The first consultation is included with every PocDoc® for free!

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The LifePad® is a product of Innotas AG and Beurer GmbH, in cooperation with the Björn Steiger Foundation

© All rights reserved – Innotas AG 2023